Simplicity Is Often The Answer
Posted: 5th November 2015
Posted in: News
Did you know that for less than the cost of what you spent on your old Rotary Display in 1985 – you can have a BRAND NEW Clearview Magnetic Direct to Glass Display. This new Display has revolutionized our business. No more clunky frames or troublesome wires! No more extra cost for double sided! Uses absolutely NONE of you valuable office floor space – attaches directly to the inside of the glass. Easy to load, simple to clean, nice and neat and modern looking – all this for about HALF the cost of the typical Display we used to sell 10 years ago. Just about every agent, when we replace their old antique frames with this new Magnetic system say: “WOW! Look how much bigger (and brighter) my office looks!” Is it time to re-invigorate YOUR office internal space and present a bigger, neater, more stylish Window Display? Call us now for a free quote for the Clearview Magnetic Direct to Glass.